Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thom's Birthday Cake

Tomorrow is Thom's Birthday. I'd make him a cake but it seems a little confusing. I've seen it done before. In fact, Jeri made all of us dogs a birthday cake this summer. She took a whole wheat hamburger bun and put peanut butter in the middle. Then on the outside she put more peanut butter. Finally, Mikayla decorated it with sprinkles. It smelled so good and I wanted to eat it and so did my sisters. But there was fire on top of that cake! I don't get it, what was the fire for? Then there was all this singing. Finally, we were able to eat that yummy cake. I ate my slice in two bites! I think there will be all that fire and singing and yummy cake for Thom's birthday too. I wonder if he'll have peanut butter in his cake. I want a slice! That is, as long as it's not chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. First thing Ryan said when he woke up and found me at the computer this morning was: Is there anything new on the dog blog?

    Thanks for creating this!

    Ryan says: Pretzel's a nice dog.
